Denise Gorant Gliwa
Denise has always wanted to have a talk show. In fact, her husband named it "Daytime with Denise." In the early stages of podcasting she thought hard about a topic that merited a podcast. It seemed everyone in her age range was struggling with their adult kids - and BITE YOUR TONGUE was born.
Prior to BITE YOUR TONGUE Denise worked for over 35 years I worked in the public relations and marketing profession in Denver, New York City and China. I began my career working in New York with Ruder Finn and Burson-Marteller. When my husband’s career took us to Denver, I worked at the Denver Partnership and as a vice president with the Denver firm Kostka-Gleason Communications.
She recently fulfilled a lifelong dream of hosting a talk show by launching this podcast: Bite Your Tongue; Building Healthy Relationships with Your Adult Children. The podcast continues to gain popularity and seems to be tapping into subjects of interest to many.